Our mission

Our mission is to provide world-class, front-line health coaching directly to consumers as well as health professionals around the world.

We believe in evidence-based health solutions, emotionally intelligent interactions, and a commitment to client empathy.

Our Origin Story

In 2016, Macros Inc was founded. With that, we created a free Facebook community to help those who thought that being fit, healthy, and happy “wasn’t for them”. 

In our free community, we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people transform their lives. But there was a demand for more personalized support – and so our coaching services were born.

At just over eight years in, and we’re still rolling on this crazy journey. Our family has grown. Business has evolved. Things look a little different around here compared to when we started. 

Because this journey has challenged all of us. We’ve grown together, made mistakes together (our CEO Jay had this beard one time…), and – most importantly – learned together. 

For us, it’s vital that we remember these struggles with something new – because that is what most of our clients are struggling with, too. 

They’ve allowed us to be a part of their journey to eat better, move more, and live fantastic. It’s a lifelong journey for them, and we are committed to helping each and every one of them for as long as they need it.

All of them have changed their lives in different ways, too. For some, it’s a comeback – “getting back to feeling how I used to.” For others, it’s discovery of a happiness and confidence they had previously only dreamed of.

No matter what your motivation, this is your chance to write a new chapter in your lives. Our job is to help you make it one worth remembering – and it’s a job we’re committed to. 

(We’ll even get muddy if we have to.)



“I started Macros Inc to provide a space for nutrition advice that was simple, free of bias, and free to everyone who needed it.”

~ Jay Woith, founder and CEO


We are proud to be pushing for a more transparent, qualified, and accountable coaching industry – for everyone.

As a minimum, all of our coaches have an industry-recognized Personal Training qualification and a specialist nutrition certification. Some coaches even have college degrees in exercise-related subjects.

Our coaches are all proactive in their continued professional development, and we subsidize a number of continued development events yearly for our coaches. Our leadership team is also actively involved in developing coaching courses across leading certification boards.

At Macros Inc, no matter who your coach is, you can be confident you’re in the hands of someone capable, caring, and qualified.


All Macros Inc Coaches are required to have an industry leading certification. Currently we accept NASM CNC, MNU, and the CISSN for Nutrition Coaching and the NASM CPT and ACE Personal Training for Training Coaching. Coaches are required to maintain their certifications and be current on their CEUs.

All Macros Inc Coaches are required to have insurance for their scope of practice and maintain that insurance at all times. This is documented by our Human Resource Department and all active coaches maintain current insurance

All Macros Inc Coaches go through structured mentoring. In addition to our comprehensive training system, coaches work in teams and engage in ongoing continuing education each month.

An incredible culture, with people who lift each other up and support each other every minute of every day. I would not be where I am today, nor would I be able to get to where I want to be, without the caring, selfless, educated people of Macros Inc. I am so thankful for this wonderful group of people who take the time to guide and support us daily. Highly recommended. There is not a fitness group like this out there!


Our Team

When it comes to changing your life, you’re the star of the show. 
But sometimes it’s nice to know who’s supporting you behind the scenes.
Meet our team, and a selection of our dogs.



Owns dogs, thinks they’re a**holes. Prefers Monster and dreaming about owning a 35-story skyscraper.



Loves dogs, McLarens, and telling Jay how much to (not) spend on caffeine and skyscrapers.


Heather Cole
Chief Administration Officer

Animal lover, coordinator of chaos and fitness fan. Cooks, dances, reads, travels, gardens & has a continuing goal to live her best life.


Chief Commercial Officer

Enjoys looking at the world from a different perspective. We think this might be why he does handstands on Brooklyn Bridge.


Vice President of Coaching

Loves anything Halloween-related or scary. Despite this, is a passionate advocate for mental health. And muscle cars.


Jem Plester
Director of Marketing

Jem is a straight talking Brit who loves the country life, deadlifting, travelling, good food, gin and animals. She’s passionate about showing people that diets do not have to be restrictive and that weight lifting doesn’t make women bulky.


Coaching Administrative Assistant

Abigail’s personal superpower is her cookie baking skills, but her bucket list includes mastering the pastry and pie crust. She also likes hiking, baking and reading…but we’re mostly just impressed with her cookie powers.


Monica Padilla
Client Account Executive

Any time Monica can spend with her family is her favorite! Outside of that, she enjoys hiking, shopping and truly anything that surrounds her with positive energy and her favorite people!


Christina Whittall
Client Account Executive

An Army veteran and a Naval spouse, I’m a parent of two kids and to three pets. Life’s balance is my focus, blending service, family, and growth.


Liam Duncan
Marketing Operations Executive

Liam likes to spend his free time playing and watching sports, and hanging out with his girlfriend. His favorite place to travel has been the Isle of Harris, a small Scottish island. His favorite foods are spag bol, or pizza from a place nearby where he lives!


Lucie Wallis
Marketing Assistant

Lucie can generally be found riding her horse, Max, galavanting around the countryside with friends. She loves island hopping in Thailand and exploring the Cornish coast. Her favorite food is any type of cake!


Ellen Graham
Project Manager

Ellen is happily married with two girls. She enjoys reading, puzzles, going to the pool or beach, and planning neighborhood events. She loves the beaches of Jamaica and the mountains of Colorado. She’s very excited to combine her passions of project management and fitness!


Director of Coaching

Brings a wonderful glow to the whole team. That may or may not be her tan. She also has never been seen not walking.


Director of Technology

Is a really large man – and used to have an awesome beard until he shaved it. Derek used to fix cars, and now fixes people for a living.


Director of Coaching / Creative Director

Has a cat called Karen, a dog bigger than most bears, and will eat pretty much anything if it’s pickle-flavored. Don’t test that though.


Heather Fox
Director of Coaching - Operations

Chews bubble gum and kicks butt.


Ramona Moore
Operations Manager

Nuclear engineer who learned how to split macros like atoms. Also, can run further than anyone in the history of homo sapiens sapiens.


Tech Specialist/Content Creator

A forensic entomologist, but also an insect nerd in general. He (usually) prefers studying them to eating them, though.


Amanda Hoadley
Lead Coach

Amanda is a competitive powerlifter in USAPL and holds 4 state records in Wyoming and Colorado and won overall wills score for woman in Wyoming state championship 2017. She also participates in a dog sport formerly called schutzhund (currently called IGP) that involves 3 phases: tracking, obedience and protection. She has a German Shepherd named Max that she is currently training and plans to compete with.


Anna Giordano
Lead Coach

East coast born and raised, Anna is full of hustle and creativity. As a mother of three, she brings her unique flair to every client. Her knack for creative problem-solving and infectious laughter make her the go-to person for anyone seeking a touch of joy in their health and fitness endeavors.


Ashley Kallman

Originally from Kansas, but now shows her clients how to navigate their Yellow Brick Road. Don’t worry, she has a pair of company issued Ruby Slippers.


Braden Ripley
Lead Coach

Type 1 Diabetic. Amature Chef in the making. Lover of all things strength and athletics. Braden likes to focus on the psychology of change and how to allow people to live their best lives.


lead COACH

Loves dogs and swimming/biking/running distances that no human should.


Brittany Suplicki
Lead Coach

Brittany is a competitive powerlifter, winning 2021 USAPL Raw Nationals as a 57kg. She loves showing women how strong they can be! Brittany is also quite the adventurer as she has a trip to Iceland planned soon and recently completed her first skydive.


Lead Coach

Loves dogs (like all of us), checked shirts, and self-improvement. Our resident redhead, but we don’t hold that against him. 



Loves dogs and mutual asphyxiation (in the form of BJJ).


Jennifer Evans
Lead Coach/Social Media Specialist

Jennifer is a black belt in Tang Soo Do and has done numerous competitions over the years. She has recently started focusing more on running and tries to conquer a few trail races each year. Jennifer also enjoys hiking, mountain biking, and stand up paddling.


Jodi Phillips
Lead Coach

Lover of all things outdoors. Passionate about helping other women find balance in nutrition, fitness and life! Also admits to crying while watching competition tv shows.


Lara Bova
Lead Coach

Can clap, cook, and catapult things one handed. Lara makes a homemade pizza every Friday night. It’s what she lives for.



Vegan. Bends metal and tears phonebooks. Dad joke queen of North America.


Nicole Doria
Lead Coach

Weight loss journey of 135 lbs. MS Human Performance & Nutrition. Single mom of 4 kids. I have been with the military all over the States for some time, but I am now settled back home in New Jersey.


lead COACH

Has a cat called Pickles, who is apparently ‘the coolest’. We usually prefer dogs, but we’ll let Pickles join the fun.


Brad morgan

Rumor has it that he owns 90% of all the stringer vests in Canada. Loves dogs and Starbucks.


Afshan Ali

Escaped Investment Banker who prefers counting macros to money.


Ally DeWolfe

Has more blackbelts than Steven Segal. Also randomly enjoys eating Dole Whip on Space Mountain.


Alyson Joiner

Alyson is a hard-working mother of two. She loves to take her kids on adventures hiking, kayaking, snowboarding, and swimming. Sushi is her favorite food, and she enjoys spending time in California.


Amanda Parker

Amanda (aka: the Louisiana Queen) loves the outdoors, ranging from the mountains in the pacific northwest to the gulf coast beaches. She is passionate about helping others live healthier lives and has received education in both exercise physiology and nutrition.


Amanda Tomczak

Amanda loves to learn, loves the outdoors & loves to just enjoy the moment. Her favorite season is the summer so she can feel the sun on her skin, enjoy some walks and paddleboard. As much as she enjoys being active, she also enjoys some couch time with her current favorite show – Game of Thrones.


Andrew Pascoe

Andrew’s main passion is healthy living but he’s also a huge lover of cats, coffee, and Mexican food. In fact, he loves Mexico’s food and culture so much that he plans to move there one day!


Aubree Woolley

Aubree enjoys showing people that living a healthier life does not equate to restriction. She believes that you can reach your fitness goals while enjoying the occasional donut! In fact, her two favorite foods are donuts and mozzarella sticks! She spends her free time lifting, eating, reading, listening to music and spending time with friends.



Competes in bikini competitions and eats LOADS of donuts.

Show off.


Brooke Orton

Brooke enjoys spending her time on her farm and petting her cows. She was born and raised at the beach, but any beach will do for vacation. Her favorite food is spaghetti with cheesy bread, and she enjoys reading any non-fiction crime book.



Spends most of his time writing and shoveling ice cream. He also spends far too much time reading research papers and Harry Potter.


Caryn Tompkins

Caryn is a military spouse and mom to 2 kids. She enjoys staying active with her family and you will find her hiking or playing at the pool a few times a week. She is an avid crossfitter and loves to lift heavy. She tries to make room for dessert every day.


Carly Turow

Carly is an artist, athlete, science nerd & lover of sunshine! She also enjoys cooking, podcasts, personal development and psychology. She is always ready to learn and always striving for more. Her favorite food is pizza and her superpower is her ability to stay laser focused on her goals.


Catharine Adams

Catharine is a mother of 3 who loves the outdoors. She lives in the mountains and loves to hike, bike, and work out. She enjoys watching her kids play sports and teaches piano.


Colin DeWolfe

Life long martial artist. Competes on the international stage in kickboxing and kung fu. Do not mess with DeWolfe or you’ll get DeThroned.


Connor Rhodes
Coach/Social Media Specialist

Connor is a client turned coach who lives in England. He loves traveling to warm places, or anywhere his loved ones are, and enjoys spending time with his girlfriend. His favorite foods are his homemade beef burgers or dessert waffles with ice cream.. drool!


Curb Ivanic

Not sure if Curb runs more or surfs more. Throws more hang loose signs than most Hawaiians.


Dani Smith

Dani enjoys lifting weights, gardening, and attempting overly complicated recipes from blogs. She loves to travel and hang out with her husband and two kiddos. Her favorite food is hands-down crab rangoon, and she has a “eat one last time” bucket list of local restaurants before her move!


Danielle Buchanan Gaul

Danielle enjoys hanging out at sporting events and playing with her dogs. She enjoys traveling to the beach, eating spaghetti, and her goal is to read at least 50 books this year.


Deanna Horvath

Deanna originally went to school for fashion design, but ended up finding her true passion in health & fitness. She loves to create healthy recipes (especially if it includes avocados), going for runs/walks with her Yorkie & spending time lakeside.


Estelle Rohr

Estelle loves competitive lifting and hopes to compete in her first international weightlifting meet this year! In her free time, you can find Estelle baking, watching her favorite shows, reading and most recently playing Dungeons & Dragons!



From the very southern part of Africa. Has a better beard than the CEO and loves nutrition coaching and eats some weird South African beef jerky.


Garrett Sell

Garrett is a man of many skills. In addition to being a coach, he is also a DJ and produces house and techno. He also really enjoys playing disc golf and eating pizza! His favorite place he has traveled is Ecuador, but can’t wait to go to Ireland, Spain, and Japan!


Gina Dameron

Gina truly enjoys helping others feel good about themselves. She likes weightlifting, cooking, and spending quality time with her family. Her favorite places to vacation are Sicily and Cancun, and her favorite food is peanut butter!


Isabella (Lala) Santicchia

Lala is a total fitness geek and foodie. If she’s not in the gym or the kitchen, she’s spending time in nature, with her dog. She also enjoys drawing, reading, motorcycling, and gaming. Her passion for helping others on their fitness and nutrition journey stems from having overcome her own physical and psychological battles.



Used to have a beard that rivalled Gandalf. Now just works his magic on our clients – although he says the beard is coming back.


Jacqui Downer

Jacqui loves to spend her time outdoors going for walks, catching up with friends, and going to the movies. Her happy nature is her super power! Her favorite places to travel are Thailand and Hawaii and she hopes to travel back to Thailand and to Europe this year!


John Son

John enjoys water sports during nice weather and relaxing to video games or anime when the weather isn’t as nice.He hopes to go snowboarding for the first time this year, and burgers are his favorite food!


Jordan Sutton

Jordan is very driven! She is a current student about to finish her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree soon. She is a dog mom who enjoys hanging out with her family and friends, and really loved visiting Athens, Greece!


Julie Greenfield

Julie loves the outdoors and thrives on sunshine and fresh air! She enjoys running, hiking, boxing, lifting and walking with her dog. She also manages some time for a good Netflix binge here and there. While Julie loves to explore new places, she also enjoys visiting Maine to see her family and get in some good kayaking!


Kayleigh Bartlett

Kayleigh enjoys spending her time outdoors hiking, camping, and visiting national parks. She also loves to draw, paint, and play piano. This year, she hopes to complete the Half Dome hike in Yosemite.


Kim Schaefer

Kim likes to spend time with her friends and family, and to be outdoors. She enjoys traveling to the beach and being in the sunshine. She’s a mom to 4 and a Nana to 3. She loves to eat tacos or any Mexican food, really!


Krista Snyder
Coach/Social Media Specialist

Krista enjoys training for physique competitions & hopes to attend her first national bikini show in the coming year! She also enjoys trying new local coffee shops with her boyfriend and pup and is a sucker for a good board game night.


Kyle Rybolt

Kyle lives in Illinois with his wife and pup. Outside of sports and exercise, Kyle loves to build things and work with his hands. He does woodworking including custom furniture building, working on cars, welding and home improvement projects. Kyle also has a goal this year to run a half marathon!


Lisa Hoffman

Lisa is a lover of dogs, food, working out, travel and organizing. She has two furry children and a husband she adores. She spends her free time crafting, being outdoors, frequenting wineries and breweries, napping and cleaning. She considers herself an extroverted introvert and loves helping others.


Mary Beth Champrenault

Mary Beth is a wife and a mother of two human kids and two fur kids. She enjoys traveling and listening to live music. Her favorite place to travel so far has been Maui, HI. She’s excited to sign up for her CPT/CNC courses this year, and her favorite food is pizza or Mexican food!


Michelle Cooper

Michelle is an animal loving mom to three and a HUGE Star Wars and Marvel fan. In addition to working out, she also likes Elvis, nachos and burgers, anything written by Stephen King, The Last Unicorn and is currently binge watching The Flash. While not really a huge traveler, Greece is high on her list of places she wants to visit!


Mike Pantile

Mike truly enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter. He loves to eat Italian and Lebanese food, and thinks that the Fight Club book is way better than the movie.


Oscar Aguilera

Oscar is a man of many talents. Along with being a great coach, he is tech savvy and knows how to work on cars. He likes to do projects around the house and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in his free time. He enjoys eating tacos because like him, they have endless potential.



Patricia’s favorite book is The Notebook and favorite pastime is sleeping. I think that may be a cause and effect thing.


Rachel Goodbar

Rachel is a high school English teacher turned coach! She loves to read at the beach, cook, workout, and hang out with her five cats! Her favorite way to get steps in is dancing away to DJ music.


Rachel Hoffman
Lead Coach

Rachel has a passion to inspire, empower and transform people’s lives through health & wellness! She has competed in bodybuilding competitions for 3 years, which has given her a great understanding of how one can mold and create the desired physique. Rachel is also a mom to two kitty fur babies and loves to explore, shop and eat Oreos!


Rachel Stevenson

Rachel loves to be in the great outdoors. She lives in beautiful England and is happy when she gets to spend time hiking, camping, and walking her dogs. She likes to eat steak and cheesecake and would love to explore more of Australia.


Robin Helburn

Robin is a client turned coach! She spends her time working out, binging Netflix, watching hockey, shopping, and hanging out with her loved ones. She wants to learn how to surf, which is fitting since her favorite food is lobster. Her favorite thing to read is the Harry Potter series.


Samantha McClelland

Sam lives in a small town outside Pittsburgh, PA, and recently bought her first house! She absolutely loves animals and has a dog and cat (yes, they’re actually BFFs). We’ll see how many more she rescues in the coming year. She also grew up as a swimmer and runner, and still loves running.


Sara Mena

Sara is a Navy veteran who enjoys eating pizza and anything sweet! Her favorite place she has visited is Portugal for the beauty and food. Her superpower is being able to cheer people on and help them realize their goals. In her free time, she loves to be outdoors at the beach, going for a walk, or biking a new trail.


Sara Rieselbach

Sara is a 6th degree black belt in Taekwondo. She enjoys working out, reading, watching TV, and eating ice cream. She loves the atmosphere in Spain.


Scott Newton

Scott loves taking on new challenges! He lives a healthy lifestyle and enjoys travelling to new places. Thisyear he plans to spend 6 months in Mexico and Colombia learning as much Spanish as possible. He also enjoys investing, reading about current events & following a structured science backed health, fitness and nutrition program.


Sharon Magrill

Sharon is a married mother of 2, who grew up with Central Park in her backyard. She lived in Israel for two years, and loved traveling to Barcelona. Her favorite things to do in her free time are reading, cooking, and baking. Her personal superpower is finding anything her family has misplaced.. ha!


Shelby Rowell

Shelby loves animals, the beach, and spending time with her family. Her favorite food is pizza and she’s very passionate about helping people develop a better relationship with food. One thing she wants to do is explore a bigger cave than she has.


Shelley Hanaver-Torrez

Shelley is a mom of 3 kiddos and lots of animals! She loves all foods, especially Pad Thai, pizza, and anything chocolatey. She likes spending time at the park, traveling, and reading Harry Potter.


Stefani Ward

Stefani is a wife and mother of two awesome kiddos. She enjoys painting, playing with her dog, gardening, and watching reruns of the Office. Her favorite place to travel is Vermont because of the breweries, food, and outdoor activities.


Steven McDaniels

Steven was born in Chicago, Illinois, but was drawn to Florida after a fun vacation to Disney when he was 12 years old. He’s been a Florida resident for 14 years and loves it! He enjoys board games, flag football, reading, movies and craft beer. Steven is married with 4 kids & loves being active with his family.


Steve Rowe
Coach/Social Media Specialist

Steve is happiest when he is spending time with his wife and daughter, or at any body of water fishing. His favorite food is nachos because of the endless possibilities, as he’s also a qualified chef and loves variety! He enjoys working out, competing, traveling, and helping people.


Sue Turner

Sue has been a client for 3 years, now turned coach! She enjoys cooking, walking her huge dog, and doing anything outdoorsy. Her favorite food is anything on the grill, and she hopes to explore more of Canada this year.


Susan Don

Susan is an eternal optimist and also a wife, mom to 3 teens, and 2 dogs. She loves to read suspenseful books and plans to run a half marathon this year! Some of her favorite foods are suhi, tacos, burgers and shawarma.


Susanne Dilley

Susanne lives in Kansas with her husband of 25 years and 3 kids. She loves spending time with her family and friends, traveling, date nights, movies, reading and lifting. One of her favorite places to visit is Aruba where she loves enjoying a good beach read.


Tavis Piattoly

A dietitian turned heavy metal, open mic night acoustic poet. Not sure how that all works, but he’s pretty fabulous.


Taylor Hake

Taylor is a full time mom who loves running, lifting, hiking and yoga. She loves to travel anywhere with pine trees, but has always dreamed of returning to Algonquin, Canada. She also likes cooking and finds sweet carbs like granola and pastries to be her fav food!


Viktorija Cepule

Viktorija is a wife and mom to a daughter and two chihuahuas. She graduated with an MS in Nutrition and is currently working on becoming a Registered Dietitian. She loves to travel with her family, read Nutrition and Exercise Science books, and cook nourishing recipes!


Telayna Urias

Telayna is a military spouse with two kiddos, a dog, and a cat. She enjoys lifting heavy things, reading, scrapbooking, lifting heavy things, and spending time with her family. Cheese is her favorite food, and the Harry Potter series is her favorite thing to read.


Tessa Codina
Coach/Social Media Specialist

Tessa enjoys hiking the trails in central Oregon and other areas in the Pacific Northwest. While she is very active with personal training and other fitness certifications, she also enjoys some down time watching movies, playing video games & travelling.


Tina Cox

Tina loves to hang out with her family, cook for those she loves and play video games and board games together. She also enjoys long walks with Penny, her retriever-border collie. She is married with 4 grown kids, 4 grandkids and 1 dog. You can also catch her reading anything by Stephen King, as well as all horror/thriller novels. But you’ll never catch her reading the same book twice.



Cooks some of the most delicious-looking food on the internet. Solves every tech issue and saves the world at least twice a day. Accredited Pizza Scientist.


Jill Jolley
Lead Client Experience Specialist

After several years as a project manager, Jill made a later life career change and became a 40-something fitness instructor with a particular love of kettlebells! She regularly teaches classes in Kettlebells, Spin, Powerhoop and Boxercise. If you ask her children, they will say Jill’s superpowers include making the best mac & cheese and her ability to plank forever!

Adrianne Fuller St. John
Client Experience Specialist

Adrianne is a runner and dog mom. She also loves to garden, cook and watch football and the Golden Girls. She has a special knack for creating the yummiest foods and her favorite things to eat is cheesecake. Not just mediocre cheesecake….the good stuff. You know the kind.


Amber Walters
Client Experience Specialist

Amber enjoys hiking with her family, cooking up new recipes, traveling, and trying breweries. Her favorite place to travel is Mexico, but her favorite type of food is currently Thai. She’s a mom to twins, so she’s basically Superwoman.


Carissa Largent
Client Experience Specialist

Carissa enjoys family time, dance parties, seeking out new ways to make her hubby roll his eyes, and glamping! This lady loves fruit, cheesecake and is working on her personal trainer certification!


Caroline McCreesh
Client Experience Specialist

Caroline enjoys hiking the beautiful hills and mountains around her home in Ireland and even plans to climb Croagh Patrick this year. She has an Art and Design degree and after several years of teaching, she has returned to work in her family construction business. She is married to a part-time farmer and has three children.


Carol Anne Brinks
Client Experience Specialist

Carol is an educator at heart – working with special needs children and adults. She also enjoys hiking, crocheting and working in this friendly and supportive community!


Dan Besaw
Client Experience Specialist

Dan is a numbers nerd, designer and teacher at heart.He enjoys making things, and in the process breaking things, and then fixing those things! Sounds like he has the key to happiness figured out, as his special superpower is “being focused and pretending to listen to my wife.” I wonder if Dan knew we’d publish this.


Jami Anguiano
Client Experience Specialist

Jami is a mama of 3 who lives deep in the trees of Northern Idaho. She’s a hopeless romantic who enjoys any books by Nicholas Sparks. Her favorite place to travel is Vegas, and she enjoys eating any stuffed pasta smothered in alfredo sauce.. mmm!


Janice Hertlein
Client Experience Specialist

Janice likes to read, learn, bake and cook. She makes a mean chili and homemade buns! She has had an amazing health journey of her own and now helps out in this group as a moderator!


Kathryn Poole
Client Experience Specialist

Kathryn is a married mum of two teens. She loves walks with her bulldog and runs a business full-time which is her childhood dream come true! Her passion for fitness started when she got bad advice about diets and went on the hunt for the best! Now she gives that knowledge back and helps people to understand that diets don’t have to be miserable, and that women can be badass weight lifters too!


Lisa Haveman
Client Experience Specialist

Lisa is a mom to two kids, and will soon travel to Japan to meet her upcoming first Grandbaby! Her superpower is attracting stray animals, but other than traveling, staying home and being with her animals is her next favorite thing to do. She also loves to hike, eat (especially pizza!), and read.


Lisa Jenkinson
Client Experience Specialist

Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Lisa moved to Ohio to raise a family with her husband. She is super proud of her two daughters and is also a pet mom to 4 cats and a dog. Her favorite food is pizza and her favorite place to travel is Big Sur, CA. .


Melina Appleby
Client Experience Specialist

Melina is a twin mom from Texas who loves to read sci-fi, fantasy, biographies, thrillers, and everything in between! She loves to play board games, and video games, and relax on the couch with her hubby while watching shows after her kiddos go to sleep!


Melissa Hanks
Client Experience Specialist

Melissa loves to read, go for walks, and spend time with her family and dog.Her favorite place to visit is Lake Placid, NY, because of the small-town feel, the lakes, and the mountains. Her favorite food is anything pasta related!


Nikki Mehaffey
Client Experience Specialist

Nikki loves to travel and do anything crafty, crocheting is her favorite! She enjoys traveling to Sedona, AZ for sightseeing and Gatlinburg, TN. Her favorite type of food is Mexican, and she plans to get her CNC.


Tom Franclemont
Client Experience Specialist

Probably the nicest New Yorker you’ll ever meet.


Trish Stancik
Client Experience Specialist

Trish is a wife and mother to one son. She loves to spend her time doing anything in the sun, and hopes to be a coach one day. The Cayman Islands is her favorite place she’s visited and egg noodles over mashed potatoes are her favorite food.


Client Experience Specialist

This Northern Irelander loves all things Disney and all things food. He’ll school you in Call of Duty, but will also do just about anything for a donut or for his wife and dogs.

Want Us On Your Team?

A coach who truly cares.

Our coaching ethos is simple – we don’t succeed unless you do. Our coaches are empathetic, authentic, and have all been through their own journeys; we’re real people, just like you.

Coaching designed to keep you on track.

Access 24/7 support and feedback from our amazing client community, and 24-hour response times from your personal coach. Get help whenever you need it, right at your fingertips.

Powerful technology.

You’ll get free access to cutting-edge software to keep you on track and allow you to see your progress week-by-week – because sometimes, it’s nice to look back at how far you’ve come.

Connect with a coach