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The BASICs of Mindful Eating


In our fast-paced society, eating quickly has become the norm. But what if we told you that there’s a transformative approach to meals, one that fosters a mindful and balanced connection with food? Welcome to the world of mindful eating.

What is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating is a practice aimed at cultivating a healthier relationship with what you eat, promoting overall well-being. It involves adopting a sustainable approach to nourishment by slowing down, identifying the factors that lead to mindless eating, discovering alternative methods to address your needs, selecting foods that provide both pleasure and nutrition, and being attuned to your body’s signals of hunger and fullness.

The Art of Slow Eating

Mindful eating is about more than just the speed of consumption; it’s about giving your undivided attention to the act of eating itself. By focusing on the food in front of you, you can truly appreciate and savor it, immersing yourself in the complete sensory experience. The taste, texture, appearance, and aroma all contribute to the richness of the eating experience.

The BASICS of Mindful Eating

The BASICS of mindful eating offer a simple yet powerful framework for transforming your relationship with food. This approach focuses on six key principles, each designed to bring mindfulness to your meals and help you make healthier and more intentional choices.

B – Breathe and Belly Check Before You Eat

Before diving into your meal, take a moment to pause and take deep breaths. Tune in to your body and assess whether you’re experiencing physical hunger. Reflect on the intensity of your hunger and what type of food you’re truly craving.

It’s essential to recognize if you’re genuinely hungry or if other factors like boredom, fatigue, or stress are influencing your desire to eat. If you’re genuinely hungry, take your time to select foods that you genuinely enjoy and can savor.

If not, consider other ways to fulfill your body’s needs, such as engaging in movement or allowing yourself to rest.

A – Assess Your Food

Take a closer look at your food. Notice its colors and whether it appears visually appealing. Consider its aroma and think about its origin. Reflect on whether this is the type of food that truly satisfies and aligns with your desires.

  • What does your food look like? 
  • Is it colorful? 
  • Look appealing? 
  • How does it smell? 
  • Where does it come from? 
  • Is this the food you want?

S – Slow Down. 

Slowing down your eating speed can increase your enjoyment of food. By putting down your fork or spoon between bites (or eating with chopsticks), taking pauses to breathe, and thoroughly chewing your food, you cultivate a greater sense of attentiveness to your body’s signals of fullness.

You may discover that you become more attuned to your body’s cues, realizing when you’ve had enough. It’s okay to stop eating based on your awareness of hunger and satiety cues.

The value of your meal is not determined by the quantity consumed, but rather the satisfaction and comfort it provides.

I – Investigate Your Hunger Throughout the Meal. 

Limit distractions and try to maintain your focus on eating, savoring, and continually assessing your hunger and satiety levels throughout the meal. Pay attention to how your body feels halfway through the meal.

You might realize that your hunger has diminished, and it’s perfectly acceptable to stop eating based on this awareness.

You have the power to eat according to the value it brings you, recognizing that more does not necessarily equate to a more valuable experience but can potentially lead to discomfort.

C – Chew Your Food Thoroughly. 

As you chew, pay attention to the sensations and textures of your food. Thoroughly chewing your food allows your body to process it more effectively, extracting greater nutritional value, and helping satisfy your hunger cues.

S – Savor Your Food. 

Food is a joyful part of our lives. Take the time to select foods that you genuinely like and that will bring you satisfaction in the present moment. By savoring your food, you are honoring its value and the experience it provides. This can help you find joy in the flavors, textures, and nourishment it offers.


Mindful eating offers us a transformative approach to our meals, fostering a mindful and balanced connection with food. By embracing the art of slow eating and focusing our attention on the present moment, we can truly appreciate the sensory experience of eating.

The BASICS of mindful eating provide an easy framework to start incorporating mindfulness into our meals, allowing us to make conscious choices that nourish our bodies and promote overall well-being.

By slowing down, being aware of our hunger and fullness cues, and engaging our senses, we can cultivate a healthier and more mindful approach to meals.


Albers, S. (2003). Eating Mindfully: How to End Mindless Eating & Enjoy a Balanced Relationship with Food.

Fletcher, M. (2017). The Core Concepts of Mindful Eating: Professional Edition: Professional Edition. Lulu.com.

Hanh, T. N., & Cheung, L. (2011). Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life. HarperOne.