Losing Weight

How To Stay Consistent With Your Weight Loss Goals as a Busy Mom


Losing those extra pounds gained from your busy days can be daunting and overwhelming. I’ve been there—staring at the mirror, wondering, “Who is this person?” But with the right mindset and a few practical tips, you can absolutely lose weight consistently and sustainably. As a busy mom myself, I know it can be really trying […]

10 Inspirational Female Client Success Stories (Celebrating International Women’s Day)


In honor of International Women’s Day, we want to shine a spotlight on our top female client success stories and celebrate their incredible achievements on their transformative journeys with Macros Inc. From overcoming obstacles to reaching new heights of physical and mental strength, these women embody resilience, determination, and empowerment. Join us in celebrating their […]

10+ Body Transformations: 12-Week Weight Loss Before and After Results Through Macros Inc Coaching


If you’re sitting on the fence about coaching with us, we’ve got something special to share with you, 10+ body transformations achieved in 12 weeks from our awesome clients! These stories are here to inspire and celebrate the incredible journeys of our clients who have, and continue to transform their lives as we speak. Dive […]

How to Meal Prep For Weight Loss: Healthy Meal Inspiration and Practical Tips


Are you struggling to lose weight due to a busy lifestyle and lack of time to cook healthy meals? If so, meal prepping may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Meal prepping is the process of planning and preparing your meals in advance, so you always have healthy and nutritious meals ready to eat. […]

MI Transformation: Teri’s 150-Pound Triumph with Macros Inc


Meet Teri, a remarkable 59-year-old Research Analyst and a winner of our 2023 MI Transformation Challenge. In an exclusive interview, we delve into the heart of Teri’s journey, discovering what winning means to her and the role Macros Inc. played in her transformation. Beyond the results and numbers, we explore the personal hurdles she faced, […]

10 Effective Strategies to Shed Holiday Weight and Kickstart 2024


The holiday season makes it difficult to adhere to a strict diet and fitness plan even for the most disciplined people. Once in a while, it’s good to take a break. But now that the holidays are over, it’s time to pursue your fitness goals with renewed zeal. You’ve likely made some New Year resolutions, […]