Free Macro Calculator

This free macro calculator, used by millions, provides you with the most accurate macros and calories for your flexible dieting goals.

It’s easy to use – simply choose your goal below and within minutes you will know how many calories and macros to eat each day.

Macro Calculator
Choose Imperial if you use inches & lbs (mostly U.S.A.), or Metric if you use kilos & cm.
This has no bearing on your weight loss and is all about what you prefer to eat.
Are you currently performing, or planning on performing, resistance training as a part of your workout program? This can be any training involving weights or bodyweight.
When selecting your activity level please choose Sedentary unless you have a job that involves manual labour.
We recommend most people choose a moderate deficit, a painful deficit requires perfect tracking.

Input Your Details

We’ll email you your macros along with some useful advice on getting started with your journey.

How to run our macro calculator

Our calculator is the best starting place for determining your calorie and macronutrient needs. Here are a few key things you can do to make sure you use the calculator as correctly as possible.

  1. Choose the right goal – weight loss, maintenance or muscle building.
  2. Choose your gender.
  3. Are you currently, or plan to lift weights?
  4. Choose your units (imperial or metric).
  5. Input your stats such as weight (you’ll need to hop on a scale for this to be accurate)
  6. Correctly select your activity level.
    – Most people actually fall under “sedentary”, including jobs like nursing, hospitality (waiters/servers), and other jobs where you are on your feet. “Active” is reserved for individuals who engage in highly strenuous activity daily, such as construction workers, oil-rig works, ranch work, etc.
  7. Select the deficit (if fat loss) that is right for you. If in doubt, choose Moderate. Most people find larger deficits more uncomfortable than they can tolerate for extended periods.

Once you have selected your preferred macro calculator, we’ll take you to an online form which takes a few details from you in order to run the calculator. When you’ve filled everything out, you will have the option to receive your results via email, or displayed on the screen.


Our free macro calculator takes a few details about you – such as your height, weight, sex, and activity level – and calculates how many calories you burn per day. We then adjust this automatically for you based on whether you’d like to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain your weight:

Macros for Weight Loss

  • In order to lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn – also known as a calorie deficit. Our fat loss calorie calculator provides three levels of calorie deficit, depending on whether you want slow or fast weight loss. We don’t tell you to just eat 500 calories less – we personalize the results to your goals.

Macros for Muscle Gain

  • In order to gain muscle, it is best to eat more calories than you burn – also known as a calorie surplus. We’ll automatically calculate the best calorie surplus and blend of macros for you based on how long you have been weight training, your age, and current weight.

Macros for Maintenance

  • If you want to maintain your weight, then all you need to know is how many calories per day you burn. We have used a formula that is accurate for most people, but if you would like to learn more about the right macros for you then you can check your results in our free Facebook group. 

The best bit about using this macronutrient calculator? It’s free, quick, and you don’t have to download any sort of macro app!

So why should I count macros, and not just count calories?

Trick question! By using macros, you are using calories – it just makes sure that we’re eating the right things in the right amount to make completely sure that we are going to achieve our goals. You can learn more about that below, in the “What are Macros?” section.

Using a free macro calculator like this is the easiest way to learn how many calories and macros to eat. It’s been trusted by millions from people from all around the world!


Macros is short for macronutrientsThese are nutrients that your body requires or consumes in large quantities. The 3 main macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates, and fats. If you’ve ever looked on the back of your food’s packaging, you’ll have seen the macronutrient breakdown listed.

Each of the different macros is important for different reasons:


Protein is the chief macro when it comes to building muscle. Protein isn’t usually used by the body for fuel, and provides the ‘building blocks’ for new muscle mass.

When you’re trying to lose weight, protein can help you feel fuller (really useful!) and also helps you lose more fat and keep more muscle mass – making you look the way you want to! Research has also shown that higher protein diets will automatically reduce your calorie intake, helping you lose weight and keep it off.

Watch our video overview of why protein is great for building muscle!


Fat has been given a bad rap down the years. Saturated fats have been blamed for heart disease, the 80s saw the start of the low-fat craze when everyone decided that they just didn’t want to eat any fat at all… you get the picture. 

The truth? Fat is essential. Pretty much all of our body’s major hormones have fat as their backbone. Every single cell in your body needs fat for its structure and function. But it’s important to be mindful of your fat intake, because it’s so calorific.


When you’re doing any sort of physical activity, carbs play a vital role. The more intense the exercise, the more important carbs are. 

This is why people’s carbohydrate intakes can vary so wildly. If you’re not doing a huge amount of exercise, you probably don’t need too many. If you’re doing loads, then you can afford to eat more!

That’s why our macro calculator variations all contain a choice for whether you want a higher or lower carbohydrate intake

So… why is tracking macros best for fat loss?

At its core, a macro-based approach means estimating how many calories you burn each day, and then tracking your food intake to ensure you’re eating more or fewer calories than you burn (depending on your goal).

The main benefit of this is it means that you can eat foods you love & lose weight. Yes, you can have pizza, cake, and ice cream and lose weight. The key is moderation.

Once you understand that there are no magic ‘diet’ foods that you have to eradicate from your diet, the sense of freedom is amazing.

Now, we’re not saying you should eat all of your calories every day from jelly beans and gummy bears – however tempting. While you would lose weight if you consumed less calories than you use in a day you’d lose weight, you’d most likely be in awful health.

Your diet should consist of 80% minimally processed, whole and nutritious foods. The other 20% can come from junk foods that you crave/enjoy/want.

What this doesn’t mean is that jelly beans are more nutritious than sweet potatoes – they aren’t. However, health and body composition are two very different things. Typically, a healthy body weight correlates to better health – and a macro-based approach is one of the best ways around to lose weight and keep it off. I’d bet my money every time on the health of someone at a healthy body weight eating junk food vs the person 60 pounds overweight eating only “clean” foods!

What results can I expect from tracking macros?

“I lost 75lbs, but this time I’m confident that I’ll keep it off.

I had expected help with the nutrition side of things, but I got so much more with Macros Inc coaching. More than anything, my coach provides insight into habit building, makes me reflect on my ‘why’, and is a wonderful cheerleader and accountability partner. I have used macro counting to build sustainable habits around food, tackle underlying issues, and grow as a person.”

Gila / Macros Inc Client



Gabe was 434 lbs. Look what he’s achieved!

“People who have seen my transformation ask me how I’ve managed to lose 160+ lbs in the past 21 months. Bariatric Surgery? The Keto? Weight Watchers? Low Carb? No Carb??? “No”, I say… “actually I got a nutrition coach and used macro counting to learn how to eat all over again.” If they press me for more information, I tell them about Macros Inc and all the wonderful tools they’ve taught me over this journey.”

Gabe / Macros Inc Client

More verified client reviews

Once I’ve calculated my macros, what macro tracking app should I use?

Download our tracking app, Macro Sync. It’s free, full of premium features and makes tracking your macros easy.

Once you’ve used our free calculator, you can download Macro Sync and start tracking straight away. Or download the app now, and use the inbuilt calculator.

