There is a lot of information available for you to find and sort through. We know that often times you will read conflicting thoughts on a given topic. This is where knowing who to trust can help. This NutriWiki will provide a list of reliable health and fitness experts for you to follow!
Here is a list of health and fitness experts we trust to provide the most objective, evidence-based information in their respective fields.
- Brad Dieter
- Lyle McDonald
- Peter Fitschen
- Spencer Alan Nadolsky, DO
- James Krieger
- Eric Helms
- Jose Antonio
- Layne Norton
- Kamal Patel
- Bred Contreras
- Andrew Vigotsky
- Megan Bryanton
- Chris Beardsley
- Matt Gary
- Brad Schonfeld
- Stu Phillips
- Dan Ogborn
- Menno Henselmans