Healthy Living

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Your source for evidence-based nutrition, fitness, and wellness tips. Get practical advice to improve your diet, workouts, and habits for a healthier lifestyle.


The Macros Inc Guide to Flexible Dieting


With decades of combined coaching experience, we’ve created the ultimate guide to flexible dieting. This scientifically backed approach lets you eat anything (yes, anything) while still achieving your health and fitness goals. This method has been proven to enhance your ability to stick to a diet, and we’ve taken it a step further by weaving […]

Understanding Food Noise: What It Is and How to Manage It


Food noise has become a hot topic in recent discussions about weight management and dieting. I covered this in my podcast, but I wanted to provide a summary here to help clarify what it is and how it can be managed. Understanding Food Noise: What It Is and How to Manage It What Is Food […]

Why Do We Self-Sabotage?


Ever set a goal, start making progress, and then bam, you suddenly find yourself back at square one? Maybe you skip workouts, ignore your meal plan, procrastinate on important tasks, or convince yourself that it’s not worth the effort. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Self-sabotage is one of those frustrating patterns that can […]

Habit Tracking: Your Guide to Consistency and Success!


Habits shape the way we live. From staying hydrated to practicing mindfulness or working out regularly, the little things we do daily can transform our lives. But how do you ensure these habits stick for the long haul? That’s where habit tracking comes in. We’ve put together a handy Habit Tracking Guide to help you […]

30-Day Challenge: Transform Your Body and Mind for 2025


A new year often feels like a clean slate – a chance to transform your body and mind, embrace fresh goals, and seize new opportunities. But let’s be honest: it can also feel overwhelming. If 2025 is the year you’re taking charge of your fitness and nutrition journey, you might be feeling the weight of […]

Our Guide To Finding A Great Personal Trainer


In the realm of fitness and nutrition, it can be a bit daunting to get started. There’s a ton to learn about exercise, nutrition, and everything in between. As such, it’s completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and lost.  Fortunately, there are professionals out there that are ready to help with this specific situation. If you’re […]

Food Cravings: What They Are And How To Deal With Them


Anyone who’s tried dieting before will likely know the struggle of food cravings. However, cravings aren’t just associated with dieting. Some may crave food when they’re bored or stressed, too. The bottom line is that food cravings can be difficult to unpack, and many people feel upset or ashamed if they give in to cravings. […]

Our Top Tips To Enjoying Your Summer BBQ Without Guilt


Summertime is quickly approaching for many of us! With the anticipation of summer comes more socializing and activities, which often revolve around food… more specifically cookouts and BBQs. Barbecues are a great time to gather, enjoy the nice weather, and relax! Don’t let those Summer BBQs stop you from reaching your nutrition and fitness goals! […]