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What Is TDEE, and Why Knowing It Can Help You Lose Weight Faster


TDEE is an acronym for Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which is really just the name for the total amount of calories you expend in a day.  Another way to think about TDEE is that it is really just your total metabolism  That is it.  Super simple concept, but simple doesn’t mean unimportant. In fact, understanding […]

How Hidden Calories Can Stall Your Weight Loss Progress


Hidden calories can often derail our efforts to maintain a healthy diet, especially when we overlook seemingly insignificant sources of calories. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of hidden calories, uncovering common culprits, and providing practical tips to eliminate them from your diet. Understanding Hidden Calories Hidden calories refer to those calories […]

The Science Behind Easy Fat Loss: A Guide to Your Metabolism and How You Burn Calories


If you’re looking to improve your physical health and achieve your fat loss goals, you’re in the right place. In this post, we’ll explore the intricate relationship between metabolism and fat loss and provide valuable insights and guidance based on our decades of experience as coaches. Losing Fat is Easy When You Know How Losing […]

How to Deload Effectively for Muscle Gain and Performance


By Calvin Huynh – Macros Inc Coach Understanding the Need for Deloading When you first started lifting, getting stronger was easy. You could slap on an extra 5 lbs or pump out more reps each week. Life was good, you were making solid, steady gains each week. Unfortunately, this pace of progress could not  last […]