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Your source for evidence-based nutrition, fitness, and wellness tips. Get practical advice to improve your diet, workouts, and habits for a healthier lifestyle.



How to Lose Two Pounds Of Fat Per Week


To understand rapid fat loss, it’s crucial to grasp the underlying principles of fat loss. You’re likely familiar with the concept “calories in versus calories out” – meaning, for fat loss to occur, a calorie deficit must be established. Essentially, body fat is nothing but stored energy. To break it down, each pound of fat […]

Getting Started With Powerlifting: A Beginner’s Guide


Want to get started right away? Skip to our free guide, here. What is Powerlifting? Powerlifting is a sport centered around showcasing strength. It consists of three foundational lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. Athletes compete to lift the maximum weight across these categories. Each lifter is allowed three attempts at each lift, with their […]

Sleep Tight, Lose Right: Sleep and Weight loss


Have you ever considered the impact of sleep on your weight loss efforts beyond just feeling fatigued during the day? Adequate sleep plays a crucial role in regulating hormones that control hunger and satiety, affects metabolism, and can contribute to overeating and weight gain. However, inadequate sleep can also cause increased inflammation, reduced insulin sensitivity, […]

Building a Home Gym: What Equipment Do You Really Need?


Welcome to our guide on building a home gym that perfectly suits your fitness needs. By the end of this article, you’ll have the knowledge to create your ideal workout space, complete with the right equipment to elevate your exercise routine, all within the comfort of your home. The Rise of Home Gyms The COVID-19 […]

Can You Workout Effectively at Home?


“You have to go to the gym if you want to make any progress.” You’ve likely heard this statement before, along with many others like it questioning the effectiveness of home workouts. But, are they true? Well, like many things fitness and nutrition related… it depends. Are Home Workouts Effective? Really, it depends on your […]

6-Day Push/Pull/Legs (PPL) Workout Plan


Welcome to our 6-Day PPL (Push-Pull-Legs) Workout Plan! This program offers a straightforward and effective approach to fitness. We’ve divided your workouts into three categories: push, pull, and leg days, ensuring a balanced and efficient training routine. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, this adaptable plan can help you build strength and muscle while promoting […]

Macro Cheat Sheet: A Quick Guide for What to Eat


Understanding macros (short for macronutrients) is essential for anyone striving to maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Macros include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, each playing a distinct role in our body’s overall function and well-being. To simplify your nutritional journey, we’ve created the ultimate macro cheat sheet which highlights various food sources to help you […]